All posts by Erin Whiteside

Thinking About 2014

Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (wreath)_edited-1

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday!! As we are getting ready to start a new year, I find myself thinking about what 2014 will have in store for me. In all honesty, 2013 was not the best year that I have ever had and am pretty happy for a fresh start. It was a year off great loss for my husband and I and it was a year that taught me that there are many things in life that are far beyond my control. 2013 will also be the year that taught me that we are never guaranteed anything in life.

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Oh, Winter!

Slush Photos (full view)_edited-1

This post involved more sloppy mess here in the city of Chicago! I ended up wearing snow boots because I was afraid that I would slip and fall in the boots that I had originally planned to wear. I will be the first to admit that I have sacrificed comfort from time to time in the name of fashion, but this winter is kicking my butt already

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