Thinking About 2014

Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (wreath)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (torso)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (full)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (details)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (pearls)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (face)_edited-1 Holiday Faux Fur & Pearls (angle)_edited-1


Sweater: Express | Belt: Express (Similar) | Vest: Old (Similar) | Necklace: Express | Bag: Treesje (Similar) | Jeans: Old Navy | Boots: Sam Edelman (Similar)

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday!!  As we are getting ready to start a new year, I find myself thinking about what 2014 will have in store for me.  In all honesty, 2013 was not the best year that I have ever had and am pretty happy for a fresh start.  It was a year off great loss for my husband and I and it was a year that taught me that there are many things in life that are far beyond my control.  2013 will also be the year that taught me that we are never guaranteed anything in life.  So often, I think many of us sit by and think that there is always tomorrow.  I learned the hard way this year that in many times that is not the case and that it is important to treasure, value, and make the most of each and every day.  I know that it sounds like some pat phrase that people use and unfortunately I didn’t realize how true that statement actually was until this year.

For me it was after the reality of the loss set in that I realized that there was more that I wanted to do in life.  I have always been the type of person who is afraid to really put themselves out there.  I tended to live with the philosophy that if I sat quietly in the corner then at least I could’t be judged or worse rejected.  For the first time, I found myself questioning whether I was really living life or just observing it.  After that epiphany, I was left with two choices the safe and familiar path or the scary one that I had no idea where it would lead me.

I chose the scary path.  This blog was the first step down my new path in life.  I have always loved fashion and knew that was where I wanted to put my energy and attempt to build something new for myself.  As an introverted person, this blog was and still is scary for me. What if nobody reads it or they don’t like it?  What if it never leads me anywhere?  These are the questions that still linger, but I know that I have to push ahead. My hope is for this blog to just be the first step to making my hopes and dreams happen.  I am hopeful that if I work hard and really devote myself to this blog that my passion for style and fashion will come through and be appreciated and lead to new opportunities in the great big world of fashion.  So, as 2014 approaches I am hopeful for new opportunities and hopeful at the idea of making new relationships in this wonderful world of fashion blogging and seeing where it may take me!

Thank you to all that read this and I wish wonderful things to all of you leading into this new year!!

3 thoughts on “Thinking About 2014

  1. Great post!!! I can relate to a lot of the things you wrote about. Good luck to you in 2014. I really enjoy your blog and your fashions are fabulous. Happy New Year.

    1. Jen,

      Thank you for your kind words and thank you for reading! I want to wish you a Happy New Year and great things in 2014!

  2. That was a wonderful post….I feel like you are starting to find your voice! I know you will continue to inspire me with your great style. I wish you much success in the new year!

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