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There is nothing I love more than to admire the craftsmanship on a well made designer handbag. I love the perfect seams, high quality hardware, and the feel of soft leather or calf hair material. That being said, you are asked to pay a pretty penny for that level of craftsmanship. I decided to compile a list of some of my favorite designer bags that are all the rage and do a splurge vs. save handbag list.
The top row of these handbags are the designer version and the bottom row is the save version. Every one of the bags in the “save” section is a quality version of the designer bags. The price point of each of theses handbags is more midrange. I chose these because I didn’t feel like I was settling by choosing any of them. Each of them are handbags that I would wear with pride and not feel like it was just something that I was settling for because I couldn’t afford the designer version.
I feel like as a fashion blogger it is easy to get caught up in all the designer hoopla. I would be lying if I said that I myself find myself wishing for some of those items. When I am able to take a step back though, is when I realize that I can get all of the qualities of some of these amazing bags with a little leg work. I have found it best to take the time and really see what it is that you like best about these bags and then do the research. If anyone has any bag in particular that they really love, but just isn’t in their price range and are looking for an affordable version, email me and I am happy to help!