Tag Archives: Coach

Pink Moto Jacket

Pink Moto (upper half)_edited-1

I have been waiting for this pink moto jacket ever since the first time that I saw it over the summer on Instagram. Gap, Banana Republic, and Old Navy had done a preview for their holiday lines and there were a handful of girls that attended the preview that snapped picks and posted them. I have checked compulsively since October 1st awaiting its arrival. It was one of those items that I was hoping would live up to what I had remembered and built it up to be.

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My Inner 5 Year-Old

Denim, Neon, & Sparkles (upper body close-up)_edited-1

If you have read the about me page on the blog, you know that I am a little late to the game when it comes to fashion. I grew up with all brothers and it was more about just playing than girly things like dress-up. It isn’t that I never did girly things and that I didn’t like those things, but there just weren’t as many opportunities when you are mainly with boys. That being said, I think that as an adult, I am making up for lost time.

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Poppy & Leopard

Poppy & Stripes (full view - no shoes)_edited-1

I feel like I need to just put this out there. I am a creature of habit, routine, and certainly on the conservative side. I would love to proudly announce that I am a wild and free risk taker, but sadly I am not (my husband likes to refer to me as the “fun police”). That aspect of my personality can trickle down into the way I decide what I am going to wear.

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