Poppy, Herringbone, And Leopard, Oh My!

Poppy, herringbone, leopard (face)_edited-1 Poppy, herrngbone, leopard (no head)_edited-1 Poppy, herringbone, leopard (full)_edited-1 Poppy, herringbone, leopard (detail)_edited-1


Sweater: Similar | Vest: J. Crew Factory | Jeans: Old Navy | Necklace: Similar | Boots: Nordstrom

I love that this herringbone vest can be mixed with so many other prints!!  Mixing poppy, herringbone, and leopard, oh my!!!!  It is print mixing at its finest if you ask me.  It was a gloomy day (I feel like we have a lot of those lately in Chicago) and the poppy necklace was just so cheery.  The herringbone vest and poppy necklace were the first part of my outfit that  I chose.  From there I had thrown a pile of sweaters on my bed and just messed around for a bit.  As I have said before, I find leopard to be fairly neutral so at the last minute decided to go with that.  I felt my poppy, herringbone, and leopard were a happy little marriage of print mixing!

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